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With a smaller team, your boss is now more likely to enlist you to help with other teams and other projects going forward, and you should jump at the opportunity to take on more senior work if you want to progress. Remaining in your current job doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be stuck doing the same work forever.

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They might even appreciate your initiative, and you could end up with a pay rise or extra benefits. This means they’ll be more likely to approve a request to switch departments or go work on a more senior project. This is the ideal time to make an internal career change, as your employer will likely be grateful that you stuck around. With desks being emptied and workplaces being forced to reorganize, it’s the ideal moment to propose a department switch or ask to move to another team or project.

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If you don’t want to quit your job but do want to advance up the career ladder, you can use this opportunity to move to a new team or project.

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